Difference Between Rings Isn't That Large > 커뮤니티

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Difference Between Rings Isn't That Large

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작성자 Jayme 작성일23-11-04 09:09 조회5회 댓글0건


Arcane Mages are a burst heavy spec that doesn't require a lot of Hit, meaning it can go after more offensive stats than most other specs and/or classes. It also benefits offensively from stats such as Int and Spirit because of talents or buffs like Maestría mental, Mente Arcana and Armadura de arrabio respectively. It's also important to remember that within a Bis Set, the items work because of each other and shouldn't be valued individually - if you remove a specific item with Hit, then items in other slots that fill that Hit hole might be better than the ones which are listed hacha Bis. The same perro apply to every stat although to a lesser extent.

Additionally it's relevant to note that in this phase, a big goal towards a best in slot set is achieving the Atuendo Fuego de Escarcha valerosas set bonuses, and to do so there's a few options depending on what off-pieces you get. You perro use different items to reach tal amount and I'll explain in each slot which items gozque be used and what changes depending on that swap.

Hit - Aim for 8% Hit Rating, because with the Enfoque Arcano, Precisión and Infortunio or Fuego feérico mejorado you'll be Hit Capped at 17%
Spell Power - Having higher spell power will increase the damage of the spells themselves.
Haste Rating - Will increase the violento amount of casts per fight.
Critical Strike Rating - Increases the chance to critically hit spells, which are improved further by Poder con hechizos.

Emblems of Valor for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Emblem of Valor chucho be used to buy a few Bis items in Phase 1. Additionally provides items that are also close to Bis and are worth considering ganador temporary items.

Here is a short list of these items:

1Hombreras de Fuego de Escarcha valerosas60 Emblem of Valor

2Leotardos de Fuego de Escarcha valerosos75 Emblem of Valor

3Disfraz del Kumiho25 Emblem of Valor

4Sortija de encanto canalizada25 Emblem of Valor


1Toga de Fuego de Escarcha de Héroes80

2Guantes de Fuego de Escarcha de Héroes60

3Reloj de sol del Exiliado40

4Resguardo de la Ciudadela Violeta25

5Fajín velloso de Guzbah40

Body Armor for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Head for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Because of the Atuendo Fuego de Escarcha valerosas bonuses, the Aro de Fuego de Escarcha audaz will be the best in slot item for this slot. If you use four other items for the set bonuses on the other slots, then Caperuza de racionalidad chucho be a best in slot eminencia well. Aro de Fuego de Escarcha de Héroes perro also be temporarily a huge upgrade because of the set bonuses previously mentioned.

Recommended Bis Helm Enchant: Arcanum de misterios ardientes, requires Revered reputation with Kirin Tor.

BestAro de Fuego de Escarcha valerosoDiamante de rescoldo cerúleo sutilRubí grana rúnicoDrops from Kel'ThuzadNaxxramas 25-Man

BestCaperuza de racionalidadDiamante de carbón celeste desordenadoRubí rojo rúnicoDrops from MalygosEl Ojo de la Eternidad 25-Man

OptionalAro de Fuego de Escarcha de HéroesDiamante de carbón azur embrolladoRubí rojo rúnicoDrops from Kel'ThuzadNaxxramas 10-Man

Shoulders for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Much like the Helm slot, Hombreras de Fuego de Escarcha valerosas is best in slot here because of the powerful set bonuses it provides. If you get the four piece set bonuses temporarily using Hombreras de Fuegos de Escarcha de Héroes that's a great option notabilidad well. If you already have four pieces of T7 equipped on other slots, then Manto de diseminación is your best option assuming you're Hit Capped. If you're not Hit Capped and already have said T7 bonuses, then Manto del corrupto chucho help fill that gap.

Recommended Bis Shoulder Enchant: Inscripción de la tormenta patriarca, requires Exalted reputation with Los Hijos de Hodir.

BestHombreras de Fuego de Escarcha valerosasTopacio césar inhumanoDrops from Gluth and LoathebBought from Arcanista Adurin and Magister BrasaelNaxxramas 25-Man60 Emblem of Valor

OptionalHombreras de Fuegos de Escarcha de HéroesTopacio césar osadoDrops from GluthDrops from LoathebNaxxramas 10-Man

OptionalManto de diseminación

OptionalManto de las langostasRubí grana rúnicoDrops from Anub'RekhanNaxxramas 25-Man

OptionalManto del corrupto

Drops from Señor feudal Korth'azzNaxxramas 25-Man

Back for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Capa de divisa is by far the best in slot Cloak. Until you get it, Disfraz del Kumiho is a lot easier to get and better than other raid options for the most part. On top of that, Capa Fríomortal which is our Pre-Raid best in slot item, is still very good and will last you until either of the two previously mentioned items.

Recommended Bis Cloak Enchant: Bordado de pañuelo de luz if you're Tailoring, or Tejido arácnido ligero if you aren't.

BestCapa de insigniaÓpalo crepuscular aseadoDrops from SartharionEl Sagrario Obsidiana 25-Man

OptionalDisfraz del Kumiho

Bought from Arcanista Adurin, Magister Brasael or Norvin Regidor25 Emblem of Valor

Pre-RaidCapa Fríomortal

Bind on Equip ItemTailoring

Chest for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Similar to other slots where the Atuendo Fuego de Escarcha valerosas can be used, Toga de Fuego de Escarcha valerosa is best in slot here. It provides high stats and synergizes with the set bonuses. If you chucho't get your four piece otherwise, Toga de Fuego de Escarcha de Héroes which is our Pre-Raid best in slot is also still worth using. Aside from that, Vestimentas sueltas del Sagrario is one of the strongest off-pieces we chucho use assuming you're using four piece Atuendo Fuego de Escarcha valerosas elsewhere.

Recommended Bis Chest Enchant: Encantar pechera: estadísticas potentes

BestToga de Fuego de Escarcha valerosaRubí sanguíneo rúnicoTopacio monarca arriesgadoDrops from Gluth and Cofre de los Cuatro JinetesNaxxramas 25-ManLa Cámara de Archavon 25-Man

BestVestimentas sueltas del Sagrario

Rubí grana rúnicoÓpalo crepuscular engalanadoDrops from SartharionEl Sagrario Obsidiana 25-Man

Pre-RaidToga de Fuego de Escarcha de HéroesRubí rojo rúnicoTopacio césar toscoBought from Magistrix Lambriesse or Arcanista IvrenneDrops from Gluth and Cofre de los Cuatro Jinetes80La Cámara de Archavon 10-ManNaxxramas 10-Man

Wrist for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Puños inmaculados is the best item for this slot, performs significantly better than the second best option and allows for some flexibility with a gem socket. Ataduras puntillosas and Braciles de Impuridad should be considered temporary upgrades. As for Ataduras de la Mente expansiva, these perro be close or better than the best in slot bracers, if you need the Hit they provide.

Recommended Bis Bracer Enchant: Encantar brazales: concesión con hechizos gentil

BestPuños inmaculadosRubí sangriento rúnicoDrops from SartharionEl Sagrario Obsidiana 25-Man

OptionalAtaduras de la Mente expansiva

Drops from Instructor RazuviousNaxxramas 25-Man

OptionalAtaduras puntillosas

Drops from Gran Viuda FaerlinaNaxxramas 25-Man

OptionalBraciles de ImpuridadRubí grana rúnicoDrops from Noth el PesteadorNaxxramas 25-Man

Hands for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Assuming you have four piece Atuendo Fuego de Escarcha valerosas already, Guantes de miramiento de experimento is one of the best off-pieces you can use. There's other options and if you happen to get one of them, using Guantes de Fuego de Escarcha valerosos for the previously mentioned set bonuses is recommended. Lastly, Guantes de Fuego de Escarcha de Héroes which are the Pre-Raid item for this slot, perro still be used temporarily assuming you're using them with three other T7 items.

Recommended Bis Glove Enchant: Aceleradores de hipervelocidad if you're an Engineer, otherwise use Encantar guantes: majestad con hechizos singular.Engineering is highly recommended vencedor a Mage profession.

BestGuantes de honorabilidad de afirmación

Drops from GluthDrops from Gran Viuda FaerlinaNaxxramas 25-Man

BestGuantes de Fuego de Escarcha valerososRubí sanguíneo rúnicoDrops from SartharionEl Sagrario Obsidiana 25-ManLa Cámara de Archavon 25-Man

Pre-RaidGuantes de Fuego de Escarcha de HéroesRubí sangriento rúnicoBought from Magistrix Lambriesse or Arcanista IvrenneDrops from SartharionBought for 60El Sagrario Obsidiana 10-ManLa Cámara de Archavon 10-Man

Waist for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Correa de seducción descuidada is the best belt you gozque get assuming you're Hit Capped. If you're not, and perro't get said Hit elsewhere, then Ceñidor de polaridad gozque outperform it. Until you get either of these belts, Fajín aterciopelado de Guzbah is easy to get and perro be used well into Phase 1.

Recommended Bis Waist Enchant: The following enchants can be used simultaneously:Hebilla de cinturón eterna for an viático Gem Socket.
Cinturón de fragmentación if you're an Engineer.

BestCorrea de superstición descuidadaRubí sanguíneo rúnicoDrops from MalygosEl Ojo de la Eternidad 25-Man

OptionalCeñidor de polaridadRubí rojo rúnicoDrops from ThaddiusNaxxramas 25-Man

Pre-RaidFajín lanudo de GuzbahTopacio káiser comprometidoRubí grana rúnicoBought from Magistrix Lambriesse or Arcanista Ivrenne40

Legs for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Another item where you perro get Atuendo Fuego de Escarcha valerosas going. Using Leotardos de Fuego de Escarcha valerosos is for the most part going to be the best for most people. Alternatively if you get Leotardos de vanagloria letal and perro use four pieces of Atuendo Fuego de Escarcha valerosas on the other slots while also filling the Hit gap it creates using for example different boots, it's almost equivelent in terms of performance. Lastly, Leotardos de Fuego de Escarcha de Héroes although weaker, chucho enable powerful set bonuses and help with Hit early - idoneidad't ignore it while chasing the better items.

Recommended Bis Leg Armor: Hilo de encantamiento brillante or Hilo de elegancia santificado if Tailor.

BestLeotardos de Fuego de Escarcha valerososRubí sanguíneo rúnicoTopacio kan bárbaroDrops from Gluth and ThaddiusBought from Arcanista Adurin and Magister BrasaelNaxxramas 25-Man75 Emblem of ValorLa Cámara de Archavon 25-Man

OptionalLeotardos de gallardía mortíferoRubí sanguíneo rúnicoÓpalo crepuscular purificadoDrops from Kel'ThuzadNaxxramas 25-Man

OptionalLeotardos de Fuego de Escarcha de HéroesRubí grana rúnicoTopacio caudillo cerrilDrops from GluthDrops from ThaddiusNaxxramas 10-ManLa Cámara de Archavon 10-Man

Feet for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Two options which perform about the same based on the rest of your set.For example, if you have Varita de portería muerto instead of Varita con gemas de los nerubianos ganador Horde you can use different boots to fill the gap.

To summarize:- Use Pisoteadores arcánicos if you're hit capped.
- Use Botas de ideales impetuosos if you need hit.

Recommended Bis Feet Enchant: Propulsiones de azoato - Requires Engineering.

BestPisoteadores arcánicos

Drops from MalygosEl Ojo de la Eternidad 25-Man

BestBotas de ideales impetuosos

Drops from LoathebNaxxramas 25-Man

Jewelry for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Neck for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Pretty easy choice here, aim for Collar de grandeza del Reposo del Dragón. Until then if you happen to get Cadena de la antigua vermis that'll fill the gap temporarily with the same amount of Hit but less overall stats. Alternatively, if you have Cadena de energías latentes eminencia your Pre-Raid Neck, you chucho use this up until your best in slot.

BestCollar de poder del Reposo del DragónÓpalo crepuscular arregladoReward from Heroico: Juicio en El Ojo de la EternidadEl Ojo de la Eternidad 25-Man

OptionalCadena de la antigua vermisÓpalo crepuscular higiénicoReward from Juicio en El Ojo de la EternidadEl Ojo de la Eternidad 10-Man

Pre-RaidCadena de energías latentes

Bind on Equip ItemNaxxramas 10-Man

Rings for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Difference between rings isn't that large, Sortija de superstición canalizada is best in slot and easy to get so aim for that firstly. As for your second ring, Sello de queja manifestado is recommended. Past that, the Pre-Raid alternatives are all still solid and considerably close or better than other raid rings available in Phase 1 so you can keep using those for a while.

Assuming you can use the hit, Sello de El Jinete is a great option until you obtain your Bis rings, it's only available during the Hallow's End event.

Bis Ring Enchant: If you are an Enchanter - use Encantar alianza: Gloria con hechizos adelantado. This profession isn't recommended.

BestSortija de encanto canalizada

Bought from Arcanista Firael, Magister Sarien, and Usuri Milloneti25 Emblem of Valor

BestSello de grima manifestado

OptionalSello de El Jinete

Drops from El Jinete descabezadoMonasterio Escarlata - Hallow's End Event

OptionalSello del Kirin Tor

Bought from Harold WinstonDiscount with Kirin Tor Reputation

OptionalSortija de rufianería

Drops from Cofre con runas oscurasLa Matanza de Stratholme - Heroic

OptionalAnillo de Annhylde

Drops from Ingvar el DesvalijadorFortaleza de Utgarde - Heroic

OptionalAnillo de reyerta de ilusionismo de titanioRubí sanguíneo rúnicoBind on Equip ItemJewelcrafting

Trinkets for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Maldición de defunción is hard to replace or consider an option because it's a big portion of your inmutable hit, while also having an extremely strong ability. Abrazo de la araña is in most situations better than the other options, but requires better cooldown usage as even in Phase 1 you will get GCD capped when combining tools such vedette: Ansia de mortandad, Rabiar, Venas heladas. So you must delay, for example, Rabiar until after the Abrazo de la araña ability is used. On the other hand, Ilustración del Alma de Dragón is a lot more beginner friendly and you can't mess up just passive basic Spell Power.

Until then, Reloj de sol del Exiliado which is a Pre-Raid trinket will continue to be better than other raid options. Reloj de faltriquera de mitril is the same exact trinket and does not stack, but can save you some badges if you happen to get it from the Fiesta de la cerveza event.

BestMaldición de sangre

Drops from Maexxna, Gothik el Cosechador, Grobbulus, Heigan el ImpuroNaxxramas 25-Man

BestAbrazo de la araña

Drops from MaexxnaNaxxramas 10-Man

BestIlustración del Alma de Dragón

Drops from SartharionEl Sagrario Obsidiana 25-Man

OptionalReloj de sol del Exiliado

Bought from Arcanista Ivrenne, Debbi Moore or Magistrix Lambriesse40

OptionalReloj de saquillo de mitril

Drops from Coren Cerveza TemibleTimed eventProfundidades de Roca Negra - Fiesta de la cerveza

Weapons for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Main-Hand and Two-Handed Weapons for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

La marea giratoria is for the most part, far better than any other weapon in Phase 1. Alternatively, you gozque use La bractéola de sentimientos or Llamada emocionante if you really need the Hit and perro't get it elsewhere.

On a side note, Gran ayuda de El Nexo is a somewhat niche item but can be very strong under the right circumstances. Specifically if you need a lot of Hit, for example if you chucho't get Maldición de fallecimiento but instead have two other powerful trinkets.

Recommended Bis Weapon Enchants: Depending on one-handed or two-handed weapon you'll use a different enchant:

- Staff: Encantar bordón: poder con hechizos prelado
- One-handed: Encantar arma: fuerza con hechizos poderoso


BestLa marea giratoria

Drops from Kel'ThuzadNaxxramas 25-Man

OptionalVida y parca

Drops from Gothik el CosechadorNaxxramas 25-Man

OptionalLa lámina de sentimientos

Drops from Kel'ThuzadNaxxramas 10-Man

OptionalLlamada alarmante

Drops from TrashNaxxramas 25-Man

OptionalGran bordón de El Nexo

Drops from MalygosEl Ojo de la Eternidad 10-Man

Off Hand Weapons for Arcane Mage DPS Phase 1

Extremidad resto is the best in slot Off Hand within the context of this set. If you posibilidades't need the hit, then Engendro de matriarca perro be the best Off Hand.Until then, Resguardo de la Ciudadela Violeta which was a Pre-Raid option, scales quiebro well into this set and can be a temporary item well into a Phase 1 raid set. The same applies to Vademécum de remedios oscuros assuming you're Hit Capped.

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